Tuesday, December 29, 2009

world peace and computers

I started this morning off reading and thinking about “peace.” You gotta love God’s sense of humor sometimes. I’ve been thinking about the birth of Jesus and how it is consistent with His life all the way to the end. For instance, have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus’ name given in Matthew 1 is “Emmanuel”—God with us. Then at the end of His time here on earth Matthew records some of His final words to His disciples. They include, “Lo, I am with you always…” Isn’t that great?! Jesus God in human flesh who came and walked among sinful man, His own creation, then promised to never leave. THAT is a definite source of encouragement to me when I think life is too hard sometimes. Jesus came, because of love, and remains, because of love. I am not alone.

You’re probably wondering where “peace” comes in. Well, this week, I’ve been thinking about the proclamation of the angels to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom God is pleased.” Perhaps I’ll write some thoughts on the first part some other time, but today was a continuation on my “peace processing”. There are several other places in the NT where peace is talked about being given (John 14:27 and Phil 4:7 for example). This morning my thoughts went something like this:
Jesus brought peace. The angels proclaimed it the night of His birth as they announced to the shepherds; yet it is not automatic. The peace is in Christ Jesus. Peace is not an invisible force field that protects me from all that is happening—making me oblivious or insensitive or untouchable. Peace is a state of heart and mind found when my yieldedness allows me to see beyond the clamoring of requirements and appointments and demands and “have-to’s” and allows me to see Jesu;s to know I am loved without strings attached and then to love others the same way—actually to allow Him to love others through me. I want peace. I think mostly, I want Jesus.

That’s how my morning started. For some reason this week I have been feeling stressed. I have no reason really. I think its hormonal actually, but for whatever reason, things seem to be landing on my “buttons” quicker than usual.  Well, late this afternoon I had an opportunity to meditate on the word “peace” as I talked with and sat on hold with a computer company for close to 3 ½ hours (I really don’t know how long it was it seemed like most of my day though!). I’m sure some of you can relate.

I recently purchased a small laptop and needed to upgrade my operating system. This should have been a simple process…ok, I’m not THAT ignorant, but surely it did not need to take that long. The first download would not complete, I know this because a pop-up box—that I could not close!—appeared on my screen approximately every 15 seconds to tell me. Even when I opened a different window the box would reappear with its “gentle” reminder. So, I did the logical thing…called for tech support. I won’t bore you with all the details, but needless to say it would make great comedy material…now. I should have known it wouldn’t be good when I’m speaking with a technician, whom I know was sitting in his cubicle in an office somewhere in Asia, and the hold music (when there was hold music) was definitely not English…it was Latino.

Do you have something (or someone) that could be considered a “button”? For me, it is definitely computers. I don’t know why…no, I think I do know why. I really don’t like being so ignorant and helpless. It seems like each time I try to do something with any technical bent to it, I end up needing to ask for help and it seems so simple in the end. Argh! The pop-up box was screaming at me, “you are sooo stupid! How hard can this be? Just follow the directions and click on the appropriate box.” My inadequacy is flashing with neon lights. So,…what about that “peace”?

Here I sat with my computer on my lap, talking with someone thousands of miles away who seemingly would supply the answer to my needs, and tension mounting by the minute. While I was trying to interpret what was being said (or played on hold) God was right here…with me…offering peace. It is not the resolution of life’s circumstances that equal peace. It is not how well I do, or how much I know. It is WHO I know and the difference His presence makes in my life. I learned a little about computers today, but more importantly God reminded me about His peace today.

I want peace. I think mostly,…I want Jesus.

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