Sunday, January 10, 2010

Living the Reality

It’s the 10th on the first month of 2010. Since 10 happens to be my favorite number I thought I would write a bit tonight; besides that it’s the eve of the start of a new semester and there’s no telling when I’ll get a chance to do this again! 
The theme I’ve chosen for this year is “LIVING THE REALITY”. I’ve been meditating on the whole concept of “faith” and I think that phrase really sums up what living by faith is all about. I started thinking about faith and its importance a few months ago when I read in Hebrews 11:6, “and without faith, it is impossible to please God.” If faith is really that important, we’d better figure it out. It seems to me that there are many people who are trying to please God without faith and their efforts are totally in vain.
Jesus also put much emphasis on faith when He walked this earth. He healed some because of their faith. He commended some because of their faith. He rebuked and showed disappointment to some who had little faith. One man in particular, was pointed out as having more faith than Jesus had seen in all Israel.
When you think about it, it really is pretty basic to this thing we call the Christian life. But the most important aspect of faith, (hold on, this is going to be profound!)…is doing it. I guess it’s similar to exercise. Because I teach Physical Education I have been asked many times what the best abdominal exercise is. Well, the answer really is pretty basic…it’s the one you do. No sarcasm there, just straight up honesty. And with faith perhaps there are times when we need to stop just talking about it or reading about it and start doing it. We need to choose to live in the reality that God is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do despite how I feel at any given moment.
Let’s face it, life doesn’t look much like what we really want sometimes—its not comfortable or easy—but that really means MY perspective is off, not God’s. Why do I work so hard to try and make life comfortable or control things that never were, nor ever will be my responsibility? Things like relationships, where I work, financial provision, daily needs, who I can serve when and where, aren’t for me to control. They are God’s work and He is orchestrating all things for my good and His glory.
So this week, whatever our weeks may hold, let’s live in the reality. Let’s walk in faith. For starters this week I’m choosing to believe God loves me purely and completely. Live that reality!

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