Wednesday, February 10, 2010

living my reality

The snow came as predicted today. That is amazing considering the past 2 storms have ended as empty threats for this area. This year it seems we are too far NORTH for the snow. Funny. Though my parents, who live in South Jersey aren’t laughing. 
I am continuing on my pursuit to answer the question, “what does faith look like?” We’ve been answering it in our Bible study time on Sunday mornings and this week we looked at Hebrews 11:6; particularly the part of the verse that says, “He who would draw near to God must believe that He is…” So, to have faith I must believe that God exists. Ok, I know, “captain obvious” strikes again! But stop and think about it. Is this truly how we live our lives? Wendy Horger Alsup, in her book, Practical Theology for Women, comments that many of us are much more convinced of the reality of our problems than we are of the reality of our God. I don’t know about you, but that hit me pretty hard. (By the way, I highly recommend the book!)
Chapter 11 of Hebrews begins with the author’s definition of faith and then 4 examples of those who were commended for having faith. The “people of old,” are the first group. They simply believed God each day. When God explained who He was to Moses in Exodus, He called Himself the “I AM.” (Ex 3:14). Go is does not need help, or support. He does not get life from any other source. He Himself is the source of all life. He exists. He is real!
Today, faith looked like doing homework, grading, shoveling snow, even a little nap…just basic everyday stuff. But in the midst of it, I have to remember, God is real. He is not a myth, or thought, or philosophical idea that may or may not be true. If I say I want to know God, and draw near to Him, I’ve got to believe…I’ve got live like…God is real.

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