…I woke up in Florida! There’s just something about warmth, sunshine and the beach that refreshes my soul. I am blessed to be able to spend 5 days with my parents who have graciously invited me and a friend to share some of their vacation time (and condo!) with them. It’s just a week or so after the mid-semester point, so the break is welcomed; and this year the Florida weekend came at the same time as the college’s “fall break”. We have been enjoying the warm weather, dolphin and pelican “shows” and shell hunting, but reality will strike when we return home to the NE PA seasonal temps.
I have been trying to be aware of what God has given me (big and small) recently and thought I’d take a couple minutes to share some of the blessings with you all.
This past weekend I enjoyed some “R&R” with the ladies who attended the conference at New Hope Baptist Church in Watertown, NY. We looked at Philippians 3-4. What a thrill to share the Word and watch God make connections as only He can do. There’s a new name in the Book of Life, as a young woman accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation!
Our Sunday ladies Bible study is doing a study of the concept of “inheritance” and I have been challenged to not only see myself as a co-heir with Jesus, but also to accept that which God has given me—which includes going and getting it sometimes.
The month of November will bring my favorite holiday and this year my sister and her family will be joining us so there will be added excitement. In the meantime, let’s determine to be thankful for all that God has given us in people, possessions and especially His presence. Don’t wait until the end of the month to say thanks, be aware of what God has blessed you with and let your heart overflow to the Giver, as well as those around you.
What a day!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Can you even believe it?
Can you even believe its October of 2010 already?! Funny that one of the things I have been trying to do more of is “slow down” enough in my heart to pay more attention to what is actually happening around me, yet time seems to be moving faster with each tick of the clock.
Though this semester hasn’t taken me on the road quite as much God has provided several opportunities to interact with our students and the Word here on campus. Last weekend I enjoyed a great time with the ladies at the East Brandywine Baptist Church Ladies Retreat. We enjoyed beautiful weather, each other’s company and some great times in Galatians 5-6 looking at our “walk”.
This week on campus will be the annual Bible Conference. Our theme is the Psalms and I have the privilege of presenting a workshop on Psalm 16 and the topic of Embracing our Privilege. What a “beautiful inheritance” we have and I have been challenged recently to embrace all that God gives and even more importantly, all that He IS.
I hope the month of October is a beautiful one for you. The leaves are changing here in NE Pennsylvania and the hills are displaying God’s handiwork. May our lives do just that as we yield to His working in our lives and display His handiwork.
Can you even believe He is all that He says He is?!
Though this semester hasn’t taken me on the road quite as much God has provided several opportunities to interact with our students and the Word here on campus. Last weekend I enjoyed a great time with the ladies at the East Brandywine Baptist Church Ladies Retreat. We enjoyed beautiful weather, each other’s company and some great times in Galatians 5-6 looking at our “walk”.
This week on campus will be the annual Bible Conference. Our theme is the Psalms and I have the privilege of presenting a workshop on Psalm 16 and the topic of Embracing our Privilege. What a “beautiful inheritance” we have and I have been challenged recently to embrace all that God gives and even more importantly, all that He IS.
I hope the month of October is a beautiful one for you. The leaves are changing here in NE Pennsylvania and the hills are displaying God’s handiwork. May our lives do just that as we yield to His working in our lives and display His handiwork.
Can you even believe He is all that He says He is?!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What if...
…I didn’t dwell on what I feel like I didn’t get?
…I paid attention to what I do have?
…today were the only day I was guaranteed to have?
…I believed life really was short?
…there really wasn’t a legitimate reason to complain?
…life wasn’t about me?
…I really believed God had everything under control?
…the Spirit had total control and access to my heart?
What if?
…I paid attention to what I do have?
…today were the only day I was guaranteed to have?
…I believed life really was short?
…there really wasn’t a legitimate reason to complain?
…life wasn’t about me?
…I really believed God had everything under control?
…the Spirit had total control and access to my heart?
What if?
Monday, July 26, 2010
risky business
I spent this past week with some former players for a time of reunion in the western Pennsylvania forest. There was much laughter, eating and just catching up. Thinking back through the week still puts a smile on my face! One of the girls is headed to Zambia for a year in early September and another (a Marine) will be deployed the same month. I really enjoy watching them continue to grow up and interact with one another (I always have!). There is just something about being with people you are comfortable with. When you have shared something, as these girls did on and off the basketball court, a bond is created that is not easily broken. Of course, the bond is not automatic. It is there because they allowed themselves to know and be known by one another. They risked relationship.
Allowing ourselves this high risk endeavor is the only way to know such a bond. Some would point out it also can lead to much hurt, and that is true, but God has created us for relationship and the emptiness present because of this vacancy is much worse in the long run than the hurt caused by other hurting people.
Relationships are tricky business. A favorite quote of mine comes from a very sophisticated movie, “The Muppets Take Manhattan” (all right, so its not so sophisticated!) The manager of the diner (the rat) says, “peoples is peoples.” I know, I know, maybe not the most profoundly intelligent statement you will ever hear but all too true. Humans will do what is in them. We are selfish, prideful and arrogant by lot and if someone else doesn’t seem to meet our expectations or needs, we have ways of dealing with them and when we are on the receiving end of those dealings…hurt. Too many times it becomes a cycle—hurt people, hurt people.
But God designed us for relationship. Is He intentionally setting us up? I say yes, but not for our hurt. God is trying to help us see Him! When people make choices that hurt others, He will use that as an opportunity to show Himself to be all that He has said He is. Unfortunately too many times we find ourselves nursing our wounds and shrinking back instead of looking for God to be…God.
The truth is, hurt hurts! My challenge is not to ignore the hurt, or validate the wrong, but to allow God to work in US using it to help us see Him rather than keeping our focus on what the other person deserves.
How about it? How about looking at the “peoples” around you and allowing God to work in His way and His time so that you might see Him? Let’s keep our eyes open for opportunities to risk in relationship this week, and watch what God will do in and through us.
Allowing ourselves this high risk endeavor is the only way to know such a bond. Some would point out it also can lead to much hurt, and that is true, but God has created us for relationship and the emptiness present because of this vacancy is much worse in the long run than the hurt caused by other hurting people.
Relationships are tricky business. A favorite quote of mine comes from a very sophisticated movie, “The Muppets Take Manhattan” (all right, so its not so sophisticated!) The manager of the diner (the rat) says, “peoples is peoples.” I know, I know, maybe not the most profoundly intelligent statement you will ever hear but all too true. Humans will do what is in them. We are selfish, prideful and arrogant by lot and if someone else doesn’t seem to meet our expectations or needs, we have ways of dealing with them and when we are on the receiving end of those dealings…hurt. Too many times it becomes a cycle—hurt people, hurt people.
But God designed us for relationship. Is He intentionally setting us up? I say yes, but not for our hurt. God is trying to help us see Him! When people make choices that hurt others, He will use that as an opportunity to show Himself to be all that He has said He is. Unfortunately too many times we find ourselves nursing our wounds and shrinking back instead of looking for God to be…God.
The truth is, hurt hurts! My challenge is not to ignore the hurt, or validate the wrong, but to allow God to work in US using it to help us see Him rather than keeping our focus on what the other person deserves.
How about it? How about looking at the “peoples” around you and allowing God to work in His way and His time so that you might see Him? Let’s keep our eyes open for opportunities to risk in relationship this week, and watch what God will do in and through us.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Turning Up the Heat
I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy the hotter temperatures of summer. Living in northeast PA doesn’t always allow me to experience them, but this summer we are actually having a week of temps in the 90’s! Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed it.
Turning up the heat in life is not always associated with enjoyment, but these past few months that’s exactly what I believe God is doing in me. It’s not that anything new has come on the scene, but rather just a better focus about some current circumstances. These are times when it’s really good to focus on what is going on in yourself, rather than with everyone else around you; easier said than done. Yet in the midst of it God continues to reveal Himself in both small and large ways.
I was in Cleveland recently, meeting up with a former coaching friend who happened to be in town on other business. While there we visited the zoo. Some of the monkeys had their babies there in the exhibits with them. One in particular was a wonderful picture to me of God’s care and love for me. As we turned the corner to view one of the first exhibits, the mother and baby were both sleeping. For these creatures the normal sleeping habits were a bit different than our human ones. Both were in the limb of a tree (that in itself is different!), and the baby was held closely by the mother (sleeping with baby…not recommended for the human species ) The baby lay safely snuggled next to its mother, sleeping without any thought of danger or disruption from its rest. The mother too was asleep holding her young closely knowing she had it firm in her grasp and there was no cause for concern.
This is a great illustration to me of God’s role and desire for me In the midst of changing circumstances or times of upheaval in life. God has me firmly in His grasp. There is no reason for me to “stay awake”, or be concerned for possible dangers. He knows what those dangers are and will protect me from harm when that time comes. It is when I begin to squirm and become restless rather than settled in His arms that I become uncomfortable and am not allowing Him to do what He is wanting. His role is to protect me and provide, my role is to yield to that work and remain settled in His arms.
I think the bigger issue is that we don’t always trust God because He doesn’t measure up to our expectations, or the “good” talked about in Romans doesn’t always feel good. So the biggest issue is the trust factor. But it is a big issue because it is coupled with my desire for my own way. I don’t trust because I can’t be sure God will do what I like, or give me what I want, or come through when I need Him. The truth is, He can’t do anything else! We don’t trust because we have been let down or disappointed…at least that’s how we qualify it in our own minds. The reality is, God can’t be anything else than “God”. The real problem is my heart…all that squirming isn’t necessary. I really need to snuggle in close to Him and let Him do what He does best.
If this is hard stuff for you, I encourage you to learn more about the God you are so quick to question. He wants you to know Him. He longs for you to see Him as He truly is, and He delights in His children. We’ve got to get the right focus if we’re going to endure the heat of summer.
Turning up the heat in life is not always associated with enjoyment, but these past few months that’s exactly what I believe God is doing in me. It’s not that anything new has come on the scene, but rather just a better focus about some current circumstances. These are times when it’s really good to focus on what is going on in yourself, rather than with everyone else around you; easier said than done. Yet in the midst of it God continues to reveal Himself in both small and large ways.
I was in Cleveland recently, meeting up with a former coaching friend who happened to be in town on other business. While there we visited the zoo. Some of the monkeys had their babies there in the exhibits with them. One in particular was a wonderful picture to me of God’s care and love for me. As we turned the corner to view one of the first exhibits, the mother and baby were both sleeping. For these creatures the normal sleeping habits were a bit different than our human ones. Both were in the limb of a tree (that in itself is different!), and the baby was held closely by the mother (sleeping with baby…not recommended for the human species ) The baby lay safely snuggled next to its mother, sleeping without any thought of danger or disruption from its rest. The mother too was asleep holding her young closely knowing she had it firm in her grasp and there was no cause for concern.
This is a great illustration to me of God’s role and desire for me In the midst of changing circumstances or times of upheaval in life. God has me firmly in His grasp. There is no reason for me to “stay awake”, or be concerned for possible dangers. He knows what those dangers are and will protect me from harm when that time comes. It is when I begin to squirm and become restless rather than settled in His arms that I become uncomfortable and am not allowing Him to do what He is wanting. His role is to protect me and provide, my role is to yield to that work and remain settled in His arms.
I think the bigger issue is that we don’t always trust God because He doesn’t measure up to our expectations, or the “good” talked about in Romans doesn’t always feel good. So the biggest issue is the trust factor. But it is a big issue because it is coupled with my desire for my own way. I don’t trust because I can’t be sure God will do what I like, or give me what I want, or come through when I need Him. The truth is, He can’t do anything else! We don’t trust because we have been let down or disappointed…at least that’s how we qualify it in our own minds. The reality is, God can’t be anything else than “God”. The real problem is my heart…all that squirming isn’t necessary. I really need to snuggle in close to Him and let Him do what He does best.
If this is hard stuff for you, I encourage you to learn more about the God you are so quick to question. He wants you to know Him. He longs for you to see Him as He truly is, and He delights in His children. We’ve got to get the right focus if we’re going to endure the heat of summer.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hold on...here we go.
“Hold on, here we go.” I can remember hearing my dad say that to me as the ride at the amusement park began to move forward. It was a signal, a reminder of sorts, that I needed to keep a firm grip on what was stable because my “world” was about to become very un-stable.
Have you ever felt that way in life? All seems to be going pretty well, maybe not great but still manageable, and then you can almost feel your world begin to shake and stir a bit. It’s at this point we should remind ourselves to “hold on”. And this past Sunday was just that kind of reminder for me.
The LYFE Women’s Conference had just finished its second weekend. Just like the first, it was a great time of encouragement, and nourishment as we watched God’s Spirit do His work in and through us. It was my privilege to share the Word in two sessions entitled, “Getting a Grip on Reality”. In those sessions we were reminded of some basic realities as well as basic worldview concepts that will help us live in the midst of our reality without losing our grip on truth. Sunday morning in our Wellspring bible study we looked at Psalm 57 and God continued to impress the importance of His truth’s dominance in my life. What a great reminder…what a necessary reminder for the week ahead.
David is in the midst of some “this-doesn’t-make-any-sense” circumstances. The will-be king is hiding in a cave to avoid being killed by the present king, Saul. In Psalm 57 he mentions two things about God twice—His steadfast love, and truth or faithfulness. God’s loyal, stable, steadfast love is a sure thing in the midst of unbelievable, disappointing, discouraging, or just plain weird circumstances (it is there during the good times too!). Knowing this is true allows David to respond with a steadfast heart. Along with this passage, one of the ladies mentioned the example of Jesus as explained by Peter (1 Peter 2:21-24) as He faced His accusers. Jesus left us an example to follow, and oh how I need to follow in those steps. If the One who never did anything to deserve even “a look” from those who accused Him can respond with no sin, no deceitful talk, no reviling, and no threats and can entrust Himself to “God who judges justly,” I too should follow His example and allow the God who’s always got my back, to care for me.
Today let’s truly live as though God has it all under control, no matter what our circumstances. Let’s live in light of His steadfast love and faithfulness by responding with a steadfast heart and intentionally praising God…maybe even out loud!
Hold on…here we go!
Have you ever felt that way in life? All seems to be going pretty well, maybe not great but still manageable, and then you can almost feel your world begin to shake and stir a bit. It’s at this point we should remind ourselves to “hold on”. And this past Sunday was just that kind of reminder for me.
The LYFE Women’s Conference had just finished its second weekend. Just like the first, it was a great time of encouragement, and nourishment as we watched God’s Spirit do His work in and through us. It was my privilege to share the Word in two sessions entitled, “Getting a Grip on Reality”. In those sessions we were reminded of some basic realities as well as basic worldview concepts that will help us live in the midst of our reality without losing our grip on truth. Sunday morning in our Wellspring bible study we looked at Psalm 57 and God continued to impress the importance of His truth’s dominance in my life. What a great reminder…what a necessary reminder for the week ahead.
David is in the midst of some “this-doesn’t-make-any-sense” circumstances. The will-be king is hiding in a cave to avoid being killed by the present king, Saul. In Psalm 57 he mentions two things about God twice—His steadfast love, and truth or faithfulness. God’s loyal, stable, steadfast love is a sure thing in the midst of unbelievable, disappointing, discouraging, or just plain weird circumstances (it is there during the good times too!). Knowing this is true allows David to respond with a steadfast heart. Along with this passage, one of the ladies mentioned the example of Jesus as explained by Peter (1 Peter 2:21-24) as He faced His accusers. Jesus left us an example to follow, and oh how I need to follow in those steps. If the One who never did anything to deserve even “a look” from those who accused Him can respond with no sin, no deceitful talk, no reviling, and no threats and can entrust Himself to “God who judges justly,” I too should follow His example and allow the God who’s always got my back, to care for me.
Today let’s truly live as though God has it all under control, no matter what our circumstances. Let’s live in light of His steadfast love and faithfulness by responding with a steadfast heart and intentionally praising God…maybe even out loud!
Hold on…here we go!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Be Real
It’s the Sunday after the first weekend of LYFE Conference and my body is definitely feeling it, but my mind and heart are full! I’ve met new friends, as well as reconnected with old ones. I’ve had opportunities to teach the Word, to be encouraged by it, and most of all to stand back and watch God’s careful and purposeful knitting of all the details, topics, and events of the weekend together for His purposes and His glory.
This morning in our bible study we studied Psalm 8, and David’s praise to Yahweh—so appropriate for this weekend. Looking back I cannot help but recognize God’s work and to give praise and thanksgiving to our good God. Perhaps I’ll write my own song of praise tonight.
We talked about “getting a grip on reality” in the two main sessions; that means my “reality” will give plenty of opportunity to prove the truth of the Word these next couple weeks. I don’t know if life’s circumstances really do change, or if I am just more aware of what has just been studied…maybe a little bit of both. So these next few weeks, I’ll be trying to be especially aware that God is, that’s He’s got my back and that Jesus IS coming. With those truths in mind, my desire is to live life with an “above the sun” perspective even though it is hard, not fair, and totally out of my control.
How about joining me in this walk in “real life” this week? Walk with the belief that God is who He says and will do what He says He will do, no matter how you feel, knowing God promises to work it all for your good and His glory. Let’s not allow real life get the best of us. Live real this week…because our God is!
This morning in our bible study we studied Psalm 8, and David’s praise to Yahweh—so appropriate for this weekend. Looking back I cannot help but recognize God’s work and to give praise and thanksgiving to our good God. Perhaps I’ll write my own song of praise tonight.
We talked about “getting a grip on reality” in the two main sessions; that means my “reality” will give plenty of opportunity to prove the truth of the Word these next couple weeks. I don’t know if life’s circumstances really do change, or if I am just more aware of what has just been studied…maybe a little bit of both. So these next few weeks, I’ll be trying to be especially aware that God is, that’s He’s got my back and that Jesus IS coming. With those truths in mind, my desire is to live life with an “above the sun” perspective even though it is hard, not fair, and totally out of my control.
How about joining me in this walk in “real life” this week? Walk with the belief that God is who He says and will do what He says He will do, no matter how you feel, knowing God promises to work it all for your good and His glory. Let’s not allow real life get the best of us. Live real this week…because our God is!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Its Official!
The school year has finished, and the grading is done. As I hit the submit button for the last class’ grades I may have even let out an audible sigh! This semester has certainly gone by fast but the speed with which it passed certainly did not lessen the amount of work it contained.

This year has added reason for celebration because it brought the completion of the MA degree I have been working toward. This past Friday, May 7, 2010 I heard my name called and walked across the platform to receive a degree from our President. My heart pounded as I sat waiting. Prior to the ceremony, as the faculty prepared to march (as we always do at commencement), there was an added excitement for me. During commencement I thought about all that God had done in these past few years to bring me to this point, but more importantly, all that He had done IN me. I am tremendously blessed and so grateful. Getting a Master's degree was certainly special the first time several years ago, but this time I seemed to have a greater understanding of God's leading and working in the process. This time I could not help but respond with thanks to Him as I received the degree. He is indeed good and His grace is sufficient.
I am especially grateful tonight because a few friends met me for dinner to celebrate. Unbeknownst to me they had planned to meet at a favorite restaurant where we enjoyed good food, and most of all just good company and interaction. Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of deeper level conversation to your soul? There is something to be said for communication that is genuine, heart-felt, and God-centered. Our spirits crave to connect with God and good conversation is one way for “real fellowship” to happen.
I encourage you to connect with those you know on a deeper level. Take the opportunity to talk about what is most important in your life. If that is God, His son Jesus Christ and the Gospel, I promise you there will be a renewed awakening in your heart as well as those with whom you talk. Be real as you converse, and help those around you see the reality of the Gospel!

I am especially grateful tonight because a few friends met me for dinner to celebrate. Unbeknownst to me they had planned to meet at a favorite restaurant where we enjoyed good food, and most of all just good company and interaction. Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of deeper level conversation to your soul? There is something to be said for communication that is genuine, heart-felt, and God-centered. Our spirits crave to connect with God and good conversation is one way for “real fellowship” to happen.
I encourage you to connect with those you know on a deeper level. Take the opportunity to talk about what is most important in your life. If that is God, His son Jesus Christ and the Gospel, I promise you there will be a renewed awakening in your heart as well as those with whom you talk. Be real as you converse, and help those around you see the reality of the Gospel!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
on the journey
It is the end of the semester--grading, trying to finish with closure, wrapping everything up and looking forward to commencement. This year commencement will hold special meaning for me as I receive an MA in the midst of the festivities! I'm grateful for all God has done. That degree will mean much more to me than a piece of paper with my name and some captial letters. It will represent hours of grace and strength. It will represent God's working in me and changing me as I've learned more about His Word and interacted with my classmates.
I was reminded recently that life is a journey; though it has accomplishments along the way and celebrations of completion our life's journey continues on. I intend to celebrate in 2 weeks, but more importantly I will continue to walk ahead. This accomplishment will indeed be noticed, but in the midst of it I don't want to miss the big picture. I don't want to miss the journey.
So keep your eyes open as you travel. You are on a journey, and you never know the sights you may see.
I was reminded recently that life is a journey; though it has accomplishments along the way and celebrations of completion our life's journey continues on. I intend to celebrate in 2 weeks, but more importantly I will continue to walk ahead. This accomplishment will indeed be noticed, but in the midst of it I don't want to miss the big picture. I don't want to miss the journey.
So keep your eyes open as you travel. You are on a journey, and you never know the sights you may see.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Life's a Beach
I’m not sure exactly what that means, but life at the beach is definitely one of my favorites. I am spending my spring break here at the beach and can certainly attest its much nicer writing papers and grading with an ocean view!
I will clarify by saying it is still cool here. It is not take your chair to the beach and soak up the sun weather, but none the less, I am at the beach. While walking along the beach the other day I came up to a family who had indeed brought out their chairs and were determined to enjoy the beach life for the day. I was passing them in my sweat pants and hooded sweatshirt (which I happened to have over my head to keep my ears from getting cold). As I got closer I watched as two little girls in their swimsuits and swimming masks approached the water’s edge with great confidence. They kept up the pace as they entered the water and got about knee deep before making a swift “about face” and walked just as quickly and with as much confidence out of the water. As they made their exit I heard one of them say, “I think I’ve had enough for today.” I had to chuckle out loud. They had just gotten in the water, but had had their fill.
It made me think. I wonder if that’s how many of us treat much of our Christian life—bible study, church, prayer, relationships... We barely get started but sense a little discomfort (or maybe more than a little) and decide, “I think I’ve had enough for today,” as we turn our attention elsewhere. Life is certainly not always comfortable, or understandable, but to be sure our loving Father is waiting, even wooing us to walk with Him in all of it as He teaches us about Himself. He wants us to see Him as greater than the struggle and capable of getting us through. He wants us to connect in our spirits with His to wait, and listen, and to endure what life will bring our way each day.
I get to live the beach life for a few more days, but...I don’t think I’ll ever have enough.
I will clarify by saying it is still cool here. It is not take your chair to the beach and soak up the sun weather, but none the less, I am at the beach. While walking along the beach the other day I came up to a family who had indeed brought out their chairs and were determined to enjoy the beach life for the day. I was passing them in my sweat pants and hooded sweatshirt (which I happened to have over my head to keep my ears from getting cold). As I got closer I watched as two little girls in their swimsuits and swimming masks approached the water’s edge with great confidence. They kept up the pace as they entered the water and got about knee deep before making a swift “about face” and walked just as quickly and with as much confidence out of the water. As they made their exit I heard one of them say, “I think I’ve had enough for today.” I had to chuckle out loud. They had just gotten in the water, but had had their fill.
It made me think. I wonder if that’s how many of us treat much of our Christian life—bible study, church, prayer, relationships... We barely get started but sense a little discomfort (or maybe more than a little) and decide, “I think I’ve had enough for today,” as we turn our attention elsewhere. Life is certainly not always comfortable, or understandable, but to be sure our loving Father is waiting, even wooing us to walk with Him in all of it as He teaches us about Himself. He wants us to see Him as greater than the struggle and capable of getting us through. He wants us to connect in our spirits with His to wait, and listen, and to endure what life will bring our way each day.
I get to live the beach life for a few more days, but...I don’t think I’ll ever have enough.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
true love
Now before anyone gets too excited give me a minute to explain. This past Sunday we studied one of the "have-to-have's" of faith--a firm belief that God loves completely and is looking out for my good. My response to this "true love" is my life's daily-ness (and yes I know that's not a word!). My living every day, my reactions, and interactions all should be based on the Gospel...the good news of Jesus and His love for me. Go figure this week in my 1 Peter class the topic was also "true love" (its incredible how God weaves life together!). The first chapter is Peter's reminder of the salvation his readers possessed and how that should make a difference in their lives' purpose as well as interactions. To help illustrate I used a video clip from the classic movie "Princess Bride". Definitely not known for its theologically deep story line, but none the less this clip has great application for our lives as we think of our "true love".
For those of you unfamiliar with the movie, Buttercup and her true love Wesley have been on the run from the "will be king" Humperdink. He wishes to marry Buttercup but to do this must get rid of Wesley. After being chased into the fire swamp (a fate no one has survived) the couple emerges on the other side only to be apprehended by Humperdink's men. So that Wesley will not be killed, Buttercup agrees to marry the prince if he will release Wesley (she knows Wesley will return to rescue her). Humperdink agrees, but of course does not follow through and instead sends Wesley to the dungeon for torture. While she is held in the castle awaiting her rescue, Buttercup has nightmares about her decision. This clip is the nightmare. She is haunted by her decision to give up "true love".
My "True Love" lives! And I will not marry another. May my life's reality show that as I walk by faith.
For those of you unfamiliar with the movie, Buttercup and her true love Wesley have been on the run from the "will be king" Humperdink. He wishes to marry Buttercup but to do this must get rid of Wesley. After being chased into the fire swamp (a fate no one has survived) the couple emerges on the other side only to be apprehended by Humperdink's men. So that Wesley will not be killed, Buttercup agrees to marry the prince if he will release Wesley (she knows Wesley will return to rescue her). Humperdink agrees, but of course does not follow through and instead sends Wesley to the dungeon for torture. While she is held in the castle awaiting her rescue, Buttercup has nightmares about her decision. This clip is the nightmare. She is haunted by her decision to give up "true love".
My "True Love" lives! And I will not marry another. May my life's reality show that as I walk by faith.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
living my reality
The snow came as predicted today. That is amazing considering the past 2 storms have ended as empty threats for this area. This year it seems we are too far NORTH for the snow. Funny. Though my parents, who live in South Jersey aren’t laughing.
I am continuing on my pursuit to answer the question, “what does faith look like?” We’ve been answering it in our Bible study time on Sunday mornings and this week we looked at Hebrews 11:6; particularly the part of the verse that says, “He who would draw near to God must believe that He is…” So, to have faith I must believe that God exists. Ok, I know, “captain obvious” strikes again! But stop and think about it. Is this truly how we live our lives? Wendy Horger Alsup, in her book, Practical Theology for Women, comments that many of us are much more convinced of the reality of our problems than we are of the reality of our God. I don’t know about you, but that hit me pretty hard. (By the way, I highly recommend the book!)
Chapter 11 of Hebrews begins with the author’s definition of faith and then 4 examples of those who were commended for having faith. The “people of old,” are the first group. They simply believed God each day. When God explained who He was to Moses in Exodus, He called Himself the “I AM.” (Ex 3:14). Go is does not need help, or support. He does not get life from any other source. He Himself is the source of all life. He exists. He is real!
Today, faith looked like doing homework, grading, shoveling snow, even a little nap…just basic everyday stuff. But in the midst of it, I have to remember, God is real. He is not a myth, or thought, or philosophical idea that may or may not be true. If I say I want to know God, and draw near to Him, I’ve got to believe…I’ve got live like…God is real.
I am continuing on my pursuit to answer the question, “what does faith look like?” We’ve been answering it in our Bible study time on Sunday mornings and this week we looked at Hebrews 11:6; particularly the part of the verse that says, “He who would draw near to God must believe that He is…” So, to have faith I must believe that God exists. Ok, I know, “captain obvious” strikes again! But stop and think about it. Is this truly how we live our lives? Wendy Horger Alsup, in her book, Practical Theology for Women, comments that many of us are much more convinced of the reality of our problems than we are of the reality of our God. I don’t know about you, but that hit me pretty hard. (By the way, I highly recommend the book!)
Chapter 11 of Hebrews begins with the author’s definition of faith and then 4 examples of those who were commended for having faith. The “people of old,” are the first group. They simply believed God each day. When God explained who He was to Moses in Exodus, He called Himself the “I AM.” (Ex 3:14). Go is does not need help, or support. He does not get life from any other source. He Himself is the source of all life. He exists. He is real!
Today, faith looked like doing homework, grading, shoveling snow, even a little nap…just basic everyday stuff. But in the midst of it, I have to remember, God is real. He is not a myth, or thought, or philosophical idea that may or may not be true. If I say I want to know God, and draw near to Him, I’ve got to believe…I’ve got live like…God is real.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Living the Reality
It’s the 10th on the first month of 2010. Since 10 happens to be my favorite number I thought I would write a bit tonight; besides that it’s the eve of the start of a new semester and there’s no telling when I’ll get a chance to do this again!
The theme I’ve chosen for this year is “LIVING THE REALITY”. I’ve been meditating on the whole concept of “faith” and I think that phrase really sums up what living by faith is all about. I started thinking about faith and its importance a few months ago when I read in Hebrews 11:6, “and without faith, it is impossible to please God.” If faith is really that important, we’d better figure it out. It seems to me that there are many people who are trying to please God without faith and their efforts are totally in vain.
Jesus also put much emphasis on faith when He walked this earth. He healed some because of their faith. He commended some because of their faith. He rebuked and showed disappointment to some who had little faith. One man in particular, was pointed out as having more faith than Jesus had seen in all Israel.
When you think about it, it really is pretty basic to this thing we call the Christian life. But the most important aspect of faith, (hold on, this is going to be profound!)…is doing it. I guess it’s similar to exercise. Because I teach Physical Education I have been asked many times what the best abdominal exercise is. Well, the answer really is pretty basic…it’s the one you do. No sarcasm there, just straight up honesty. And with faith perhaps there are times when we need to stop just talking about it or reading about it and start doing it. We need to choose to live in the reality that God is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do despite how I feel at any given moment.
Let’s face it, life doesn’t look much like what we really want sometimes—its not comfortable or easy—but that really means MY perspective is off, not God’s. Why do I work so hard to try and make life comfortable or control things that never were, nor ever will be my responsibility? Things like relationships, where I work, financial provision, daily needs, who I can serve when and where, aren’t for me to control. They are God’s work and He is orchestrating all things for my good and His glory.
So this week, whatever our weeks may hold, let’s live in the reality. Let’s walk in faith. For starters this week I’m choosing to believe God loves me purely and completely. Live that reality!
The theme I’ve chosen for this year is “LIVING THE REALITY”. I’ve been meditating on the whole concept of “faith” and I think that phrase really sums up what living by faith is all about. I started thinking about faith and its importance a few months ago when I read in Hebrews 11:6, “and without faith, it is impossible to please God.” If faith is really that important, we’d better figure it out. It seems to me that there are many people who are trying to please God without faith and their efforts are totally in vain.
Jesus also put much emphasis on faith when He walked this earth. He healed some because of their faith. He commended some because of their faith. He rebuked and showed disappointment to some who had little faith. One man in particular, was pointed out as having more faith than Jesus had seen in all Israel.
When you think about it, it really is pretty basic to this thing we call the Christian life. But the most important aspect of faith, (hold on, this is going to be profound!)…is doing it. I guess it’s similar to exercise. Because I teach Physical Education I have been asked many times what the best abdominal exercise is. Well, the answer really is pretty basic…it’s the one you do. No sarcasm there, just straight up honesty. And with faith perhaps there are times when we need to stop just talking about it or reading about it and start doing it. We need to choose to live in the reality that God is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do despite how I feel at any given moment.
Let’s face it, life doesn’t look much like what we really want sometimes—its not comfortable or easy—but that really means MY perspective is off, not God’s. Why do I work so hard to try and make life comfortable or control things that never were, nor ever will be my responsibility? Things like relationships, where I work, financial provision, daily needs, who I can serve when and where, aren’t for me to control. They are God’s work and He is orchestrating all things for my good and His glory.
So this week, whatever our weeks may hold, let’s live in the reality. Let’s walk in faith. For starters this week I’m choosing to believe God loves me purely and completely. Live that reality!
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