Sunday, September 20, 2009

did you hear that? was me sighing :) I'm up late studying for my OT exam...oh so much to know...oh so little time. How is it I should be able to cram 2000 years of history information into my brain in just these 4 weeks?! Needless to say, I can't "talk" long tonight, my notes are calling me. But I did want to mention something that happened this week.
Have you ever had a related thought that was so clear, it must have been God's Spirit making a connection? Well, this week was one of those "connections" for me. We finished studying the prophets this week and I have been struck with their consistency in following God's directives and allowing Him to work His plan. In the midst of all the reading I recalled how as a coach and teacher I have intentionally put players and students in positions for learning purposes. That "move" is usually accompanied with the statement, "It will be good for you." Well, there I was working my way through the prophets when the thought crossed my mind,...actually more like pitched a tent and camped out...that God was saying to me in the midst of my circumstances, "it will be good for you." Can't help but smirk at that. God is intentionally working on my behalf; and its always going to be good for me. It certainly was a welcomed reminder.
The other light bulb for me this week was that what we are going through is not always about us. We are so tuned in to our own spirituality and growth process sometimes that it can almost be selfish. The prophets followed God's instructions no matter what, but many times it really wasn't about them and their personal spiritual growth; it was God's way of communicating to those around them. When times are hard, or good for that matter, it may not always be about me—sometimes it is for the benefit of those watching.
all right...back to those prophets.

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