Tuesday, December 29, 2009
world peace and computers
You’re probably wondering where “peace” comes in. Well, this week, I’ve been thinking about the proclamation of the angels to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom God is pleased.” Perhaps I’ll write some thoughts on the first part some other time, but today was a continuation on my “peace processing”. There are several other places in the NT where peace is talked about being given (John 14:27 and Phil 4:7 for example). This morning my thoughts went something like this:
Jesus brought peace. The angels proclaimed it the night of His birth as they announced to the shepherds; yet it is not automatic. The peace is in Christ Jesus. Peace is not an invisible force field that protects me from all that is happening—making me oblivious or insensitive or untouchable. Peace is a state of heart and mind found when my yieldedness allows me to see beyond the clamoring of requirements and appointments and demands and “have-to’s” and allows me to see Jesu;s to know I am loved without strings attached and then to love others the same way—actually to allow Him to love others through me. I want peace. I think mostly, I want Jesus.
That’s how my morning started. For some reason this week I have been feeling stressed. I have no reason really. I think its hormonal actually, but for whatever reason, things seem to be landing on my “buttons” quicker than usual. Well, late this afternoon I had an opportunity to meditate on the word “peace” as I talked with and sat on hold with a computer company for close to 3 ½ hours (I really don’t know how long it was it seemed like most of my day though!). I’m sure some of you can relate.
I recently purchased a small laptop and needed to upgrade my operating system. This should have been a simple process…ok, I’m not THAT ignorant, but surely it did not need to take that long. The first download would not complete, I know this because a pop-up box—that I could not close!—appeared on my screen approximately every 15 seconds to tell me. Even when I opened a different window the box would reappear with its “gentle” reminder. So, I did the logical thing…called for tech support. I won’t bore you with all the details, but needless to say it would make great comedy material…now. I should have known it wouldn’t be good when I’m speaking with a technician, whom I know was sitting in his cubicle in an office somewhere in Asia, and the hold music (when there was hold music) was definitely not English…it was Latino.
Do you have something (or someone) that could be considered a “button”? For me, it is definitely computers. I don’t know why…no, I think I do know why. I really don’t like being so ignorant and helpless. It seems like each time I try to do something with any technical bent to it, I end up needing to ask for help and it seems so simple in the end. Argh! The pop-up box was screaming at me, “you are sooo stupid! How hard can this be? Just follow the directions and click on the appropriate box.” My inadequacy is flashing with neon lights. So,…what about that “peace”?
Here I sat with my computer on my lap, talking with someone thousands of miles away who seemingly would supply the answer to my needs, and tension mounting by the minute. While I was trying to interpret what was being said (or played on hold) God was right here…with me…offering peace. It is not the resolution of life’s circumstances that equal peace. It is not how well I do, or how much I know. It is WHO I know and the difference His presence makes in my life. I learned a little about computers today, but more importantly God reminded me about His peace today.
I want peace. I think mostly,…I want Jesus.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Its the music!
This week will be filled with exams and grading just trying to finish the semester. I am also hoping to do a little shopping. All this singing has kept me out of the stores...probably a good thing! :)
I think this next week will be a reflective time as the year comes to a close. Being a closure person processing is important to me. It's good to think through what has been learned through the year and also to look ahead and think about what changes may need to be made. To be sure, God is at work, without this processing, chances are I'll miss it. If my heart's intention is truly to continue to deepen in my relationship with God, this processing is an important part of that growth.
The other thing I've been thinking about lately is the whole idea of "faith". What will it look like in my life this coming year?
Merry Christmas to you. May you truly see Him this season. And may others see Him in you.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
it doesn't matter how old you are...
I hope your day has the joy of a snow day! Keep your eyes open. You never know what God might do!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
today's best thing
Music is so powerful, and when you couple it with the most powerful message...its a double whammy (does that have 2 "m's" or one?!)! The music of Christmas seems to communicate right from the start. It stays cooped up all year long and then spreads its wings once we let it out of the box. You hear it in stores, on the radio, in churches...its like life's background music this time of year.
So when you are listening to the music this time of year, remember that there actually is a reason to all the melody.
I hope your singing is an overflow of your heart!
Monday, December 7, 2009
What's the best thing about Christmas?
The best thing about Christmas is the reason for the celebration in the first place. The story of Christmas—the angel coming to Mary, Jesus’ birth in stable, starry nights, angels, shepherds on the hillside… The whole story is perfectly orchestrated and timed. Jesus came at the “right” time, grew up and accomplished exactly what He came here to earth to do…to serve and to give His life as a ransom. Our Christmas musical this year has the song entitled, “We are the Reason” in it. Think about it. The Christmas season is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, and the reason He came in the first place was for you and me.
So tonight…the best thing about Christmas is knowing that I am truly loved. God’s love is unshakable, unchanging, and always secure. It is this love that allows me to truly love others—without a need for reciprocity. I hope you know that love too.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
the most wonderful time...
My recent trip to Moody--I had a great time speaking with the women in chapel for two days as well as with the RA's. While in Chicago I also got to spend some really good time with friends--oh so many restaurants, oh so little time! One night we spent the evening just eating and talking while drinking some wonderful coffee. You know, there are times in life when you can just sense what you are doing is a little gift from God. That's how I felt. I am thankful.
I've been thinking about faith lately. What a topic. I think I will be thinking about that one the rest of my life. It seems like an elusive subject, but certainly it should be anything but. Jesus Himself emphasized those who had it and those who didn't. Possessing faith and having it grow is one of the most important foundations for our "faith" (see what I mean?!). If that is indeed true, why do we approach it as an untouchable? Certainly there must be something more. I'm not saying it is so deep that we can't understand it, in reality, I'm saying just the opposite. Faith is so basic we miss it many times. Faith is simply living my life as though I truly believe God is who He says and will do what He says. It includes my choices, my words, my thoughts, and is not dependent on my circumstances. A life of faith is not oblivious to its circumstances but lives settled in the midst of them.
This time of year it is not unusual to hear "its the most wonderful time of the year..." in the background. I hope you take some time to be thankful in this season.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
looking back and ahead
On a completely different note, this past week I was able to spend a little time away with my parents who were vacationing in Florida. It was a welcomed refreshment and the weather was perfect...hot! Of course, being so warm for a few days has made it even colder here this week, but I have some good memories for sure. Among those memories will be the walks on the beach, watching the dolphins and just being.
The upcomig weeks will be spent trying to do more catching up, especially in the grading. I have to admit, grading is my least favorite thing about teaching. Its also time to begin looking ahead to next semester already...wow. Registration begins next week, this means textbook ordering,and syllabii revisions. These weeks before Thanksgiving will also provide a few speaking opportunities--a workshop at the Minister's Enrichment day hosted by Baptist Bible Seminary, and a couple days out at Moody Bible Institute. To add to the excitement of my time at Moody, I'll have a chance to reconnect with a couple friends who work out there.
In the meantime, there's much to be done. The first matter of business...is a good night's sleep.
Monday, October 19, 2009
a new view
This past weekend was a wonderful time in Bellfonte, PA with a group of women at First Baptist. We had a great time talking about Courageous Faith! Then on the way home I was able to enjoy dinner with some friends. I am so thankful that God places people along our traveling paths. What a blessing to enjoy the company of people with whom we have built friendships. Sometimes He takes us to them, and other times He allows them to travel back to us. Either way its not necessarily a new view, but it is a comfortable and certainly an enjoyable one!
I hope you are able to see whatever is in your line of vision today as just what God wants you to see--whether its people, tasks or events--be a participant and enjoy the view.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
this is it!
Last week was a wonderful change of pace. We had our annual Bible Conference, which ended with the Alumni Celebrations on Friday and Homecoming on Saturday. My parents came to join me for the day. It was a very humbling and special privilege to be honored with an Alumni Outstanding Service award. There are certainly many who are more deserving than I, and it is hard to put into words the thoughts as I stood before those God has used to input into my life and bring me to this place to receive what I do not deserve. But for His grace in my life, only He knows where I would be.
Friday night we enjoyed the comedy of Michael Jr. I really enjoy laughing and it was great to sit and listen without concern if you should be listening or not. He was truly funny and we had a super time.
Saturday morning I drove to Mifflinburg and enjoyed a Ladies Conference with the women there at Calavary Baptist. God's grace was the topic and God's grace was evident as we learned together from Titus 2 and 3. I am thankful for their sweet spirits and encouragement.
That brings me to today. This morning our Wellspring class began looking at the 6th "What do you know" in our series. This week and next we will study Psalm 46 and look a little closer at the context of v. 10. God is present and His presence brings security for my unknowns.
This week, let's allow the truth of God's strong presence to permeate our reality...this is it!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
midweek check
- fresh sheets, clean towels (that smell so nice!), a warm bed to climb into (though recently mine has been pretty cold--where did summer go?)
- family
- hope that rests in something and somone other than myself
- the process of learning
- little encouragements along the way
- heartfelt hugs
Sunday, September 27, 2009
knowledge is power!
This week...
-studying, reading, studying, an exam
-a Trustee dinner
-more reading and writing
-speaking at the Heritage Ladies Retreat--and what a great time we had centered around the Word and a series entitled, Come As You Are. I spent Friday night and Saturday with a wonderful group of ladies as we thought through the concept of coming to God. Wow, there's so much to say, but one of the things I will remember are all the poses they came up with to communicate the idea of "come". It was inspiring.
-studying and preparing for the bible study class this morning
so...that was last week and this week started with the phrase, "knowledge is power". Ever heard it before? We are on week 4 of our series in our Wellspring Bible Study class entitled, "What do you know?" We are looking at some of the places in Scripture where God says, "know this..."
Psalm 100 is a "Psalm of Giving Thanks" and all centered on the knowledge that the LORD is God--He has made us and cares for us as our Shephard. That knowledge results in the power to respond to my circumstances with out loud, outpouring, and out in the open thanksgiving.
So, as we start the week...how about it? How about using the knowledge that the self-existant, covenant-keeping YAHWEH is God to help you respond with thanksgiving? We can start by just being intentionally thankful to God. What if God always treated us like we do children when they are given something--"What do you say?" Perhaps we have lost the art of being a grateful people, and perhaps it is because we have forgotten who it is that is REALLY in control.
I'm off to do more reading. Know this week that there is Someone in control and that He cares for you abundantly, no matter what your circumstances may seem to say about that. Know the LORD is God...and be thankful.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
did you hear that?
Have you ever had a related thought that was so clear, it must have been God's Spirit making a connection? Well, this week was one of those "connections" for me. We finished studying the prophets this week and I have been struck with their consistency in following God's directives and allowing Him to work His plan. In the midst of all the reading I recalled how as a coach and teacher I have intentionally put players and students in positions for learning purposes. That "move" is usually accompanied with the statement, "It will be good for you." Well, there I was working my way through the prophets when the thought crossed my mind,...actually more like pitched a tent and camped out...that God was saying to me in the midst of my circumstances, "it will be good for you." Can't help but smirk at that. God is intentionally working on my behalf; and its always going to be good for me. It certainly was a welcomed reminder.
The other light bulb for me this week was that what we are going through is not always about us. We are so tuned in to our own spirituality and growth process sometimes that it can almost be selfish. The prophets followed God's instructions no matter what, but many times it really wasn't about them and their personal spiritual growth; it was God's way of communicating to those around them. When times are hard, or good for that matter, it may not always be about me—sometimes it is for the benefit of those watching.
all right...back to those prophets.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
here we are again
The theme of God's timing has been "popping up" recently. All the reading I've been doing in the prophets certainly has had something to do with that. Then, listening to several women tell their story of God's grace in their lives and how He has brought them all together at their church was a great reminder of God's continual working...and His continued working.
So, this week as I begin and face whatever it is God has planned I want to be aware of His work and His time, and be intentionally yielded to it. I know He has my best and His glory in mind. Now I've just got to get that out of my head and anchored in my heart so that it overflows in my life.
We sang a song in church today that "gets me" everytime. I believe the title is, "Who May Ascend". The chorus says,
So do what You will,
do what You want
We have decided to trust You only
We want to be wherever You're wanting,
You are the Lord of our lives
Another section states,
Lord, not my will, but Your will, let this be my cry
No matter what is going on, I want that to be my heart's resolve. Its ok that its hard, God knows, He sees, and He is at work--in His way and His time.
I hope your week makes Him look good! Here we go again...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
its Wednesday
My grad school course "Bible Overview" reading is in most of the prophets this week and I had already determined I would NOT be doing school work reading for my quiet time today. I needed something...I needed Him. I decided to turn to Isaiah 40 and 41. In His own wonderful way God's Spirit connected with mine to remind me (not rebuke me, mind you) of His strength. He is plenty big enough, and strong enough, and mindful enough, and loving enough to care for what He has orchestrated in my life right now.
Isaiah 41:10 is my Gram's favorite verse. She is 96 and you can't talk with her for 10 min without hearing her quote it to you. "Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about you for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." There isn't much more that needs to be said. I know He's there. And I'm so thankful for His grace that is so gracious in my weakness. I hope the verse was an encouragment to you too.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
fresh breath
Yesterday I was invited to a friend's lake house. In the midst of all the busy-ness and time crunching, I thought it would be a good idea to take some time to just be...and I'm so glad I did. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. I sat on the dock and did some homework (c'mon, I can't take the whole day away!) but spent most of the day just admiring the beauty and peace. We went out on the row boat (which had a distinct zig-zag pattern when it was my turn to row!)--a blue sky with some clouds, light breeze, friends, and to top it all off we saw an eagle soaring above. I'm so thankful for the fresh breath again in the midst of what seems close to overwhelming circumstances.
Today in our sunday school class we started a series: What do you know? We'll be looking at passages in the Bible where God says specifically that we are to know something in particular. Today we studied Deuteronomy 8, particularly verse 5. Our big idea for today was: When times are hard, God is at work. Again another reminder that what life looks like right now is all under my Father's control and serves purpose whether I understand it or not.
So, here I am on the verge of another week. I'm so thankful for the fresh breath and reminder for my soul that I am not forgotten and that all this does indeed have a point. Tomorrow morning, should God give me breath, I intend to use it for His intentions. Of course, now that I've said that all of life will be screaming at once, but this too is God's discipline (Deut 8) and building in me endurance (Heb 12:1-17). For now though, I think I'll get ready for bed and get some rest.
God is good...all the time. Breath deep.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
daily life
I'm taking a grad class these next few weeks called "Bible Overview". This week we're studying, among other things, Joshua and Israel's beginnings in the promised land. I have to admit that the start of the new semester of teaching, and taking a class, along with the remodeling in the basement, prepping for speaking weekends coming up and the prep each week for sunday school has definitely begun to take a toll on my mind and emotions.
But like Joshua I am seeking to rely on God's presence and remain strong and courageous to just do what He calls me to do today, and leave tomorrow for another day's concerns. I am tired, but He has promised me the strength I will need to do what He asks of me...so with that in mind I'm trying to not waste that strength on other things--wrong thinking or emotions, worry, etc--and try and remain focused on what I have to do for today.
now where did I put that to-do list?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
a traditionalist at heart
As we lined up today I almost got a little teary just thanking God for His grace and so many blessings that brought me to BBC as well as kept me here. As I stood in line waiting to begin marching (which took a little longer than expected as the Provost tried to get the accompaniest's attention and let him know we were ready! ha!) I was overwhelmed with gratitude. God made me to teach, I know that, and that He's letting me do it again here at BBC is a good thing.
You may need to remind me I said all that as I begin my class schedule with a full day tomorrow. Wednesdays have a back-to-back-to-back (you get the idea) schedule. So hold on, here we go again...and no matter what I might say in the midst of the busy schedule and craziness...I'm so glad I get to do it again.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
a breath of fresh air
I returned today from the last bit of summer and as I look back, its been a very busy one. I can't help but thank God for all the blessings He gives. He certainly is gracious. This month started with "Kingdom Bound" in Darien Lake, NY. FLN does a splendid job of hosting this event and has a little something for everyone. My topic was "satisfaction" and I gave 3 choices that David seems to have made as evidenced in his writing of Psalm 63. In and of itself this was a great opportunity, but God gave some wonderful grace gifts on top of it. He allowed me to bring 3 friends along to share the experience. We went to Niagara Falls Sunday night (I spoke Monday afternoon), and saw the fireworks over the falls. What an incredible sight!! All that water. And it just keeps coming; there is no decrease of diminishing of the amount...it just keeps coming. What a great picture of God's lovingkindness and grace. My friends and I were also able to enjoy the park as well as the rest of the scheduled events for that day and the next. This included concerts by Matthew West and Casting Crowns (which we watched from the open field on a clear night!)
After Kingdom Bound I had scheduled a week away to regroup a bit before the semester begins. God was so gracious yet again giving a week of beautiful weather to enjoy along with the company of Christie and her family. They were so kind to allow me to just "be" and join in with their daily life. I'm grateful to God for the refreshment He gives through people, and my friendship with Christie is mutually encouraging and refreshing. What a gift we have.
While away I read a new book...there's a surprise! I had originally taken one I have read before but try to read at least yearly, Humility, by CJ Maheney, but Christie had just gotten several new books so I picked up one of them and started to read. It is "Practical Theology for Women" by Wendy Horger Alsup. Now, there's nothing different that women need to do when learning theology. She doesn't treat the topic as though her readers are weaker. Alsup actually takes a hard-lined practical look at how our beliefs about God really don't match up with what we say we believe about Him. This really leaves us with only 2 options: 1. We don't know about Him, or 2. We choose not to live as though He is for real. The beginning of the book speaks to the matter of faith and what that really looks like and then she dives into some of the content--who God is. If you get a chance, its a good read.
Well, that's a small wrap up from an overflowing heart of gratitude. I feel as though God is giving me new air to breathe. And I want to be sure to take a deep breath.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
the end is near :)
Take some time to enjoy what God has placed around you today. I don't want to come to the end of the summer and think to myself, "what in the world did I do these past few months?" I want to keep my eyes open and catch all that God has for me each and every day--sometimes I agree with it and like it, and sometimes I don't, but I'm trying to live more by faith these days than ever. If He is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do (and I believe He is, and will!!) then I need to stop keeping Him in the little box I've made and allow Him to be my God.
Live like crazy today and find your true satisfaction in God alone. David wrote about it in Psalm 63...check it out!
Friday, July 10, 2009
ever thought...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
making connections
Why is all that so easy to say and so difficult to connect sometimes? I am grateful for God's patience with me. Sometimes I can picture Him just watching and shaking His head saying, "Its ok. I've got it. I know what's going on. And I do love you." He is waiting for me to respond by saying, just as Jesus did, "not my will, Father, not my will. I want Yours here, not mine. Please help me. I want more of You, not more of me."
We've been studying some of what God has said about Himself in the book of Isaiah with Dr James MacDonald's book, "Gripped by the Greatness of God" in our Wellspring class on Sundays. So far, we've looked at His holiness, awesome-ness, and this week (go figure!) we're studying His sovereignty. How true...if I believe God is in complete control and the final authority, I have got to submit to what He is doing in the world,...and even more...in my life.
One of the ways I believe God is deepening me and challenging me is in prayer. He wants to hear my heart. He knows it already, but He wants to hear it. In fact, He tells me to come. Along with that thought, is the truth that Jesus is praying for me. He is with me, and He knows I need connection...He is working to help me have that. Gotta love that!