Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Celebrating Grace

I had a grand weekend! Saturday was the Friends of Israel Ladies Tea and Brunch. What a wonderful group of women as we looked at Psalm 37 and finding rest in our busy lives. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them. The ladies were very welcoming and an easy group to speak to. I celebrated God's gracious opportunity to share His Word with them.
Sunday night was a reception celebrating my parent's 50th wedding anniversary! I celebrated so many things in relation to this. I am blessed with a godly heritage and an example of perseverance. My parents have lived out before us 2 particular lessons: 1. life is not always easy and 2. love is a choice. I am grateful to God to continue to have watched, and to continue watching, them as they love God, each other and those He places around them (including my siblings and I!).
My parents have long held on to Proverbs 3:5-6. I had the opporutnity to share with the people at the reception just a few thoughts from these verses that I believe my parents have lived out and I thought I might share them here as well. First is the word "trust". These familiar verses begin with this word and provide a foundation for our lives as we interact with all that happens around us. Trusting God--believing He is who He says and will do what He has said---provides the security and safety that allows me to love others and live without fear.
Second is the word "know". The verses say, " all your ways acknowledge Him..." That word "acknowledge" actually means to pursue, and seek. We are not to merely point God out after an accomplishment (as we see in the athletic arena for instance) or while we are going through life, but rather we are to see Him, seek and pursue Him in every situation.
Third is "follow". Verse 6 says, "and He will direct your paths," God makes known His ways, but we must always listen with the intention of following His leading. Biblical "hearing" is accompanied with action. Rather than merely asking God what to do, we should have movement in mind as we listen to His answer.
Trust God...Know God...Follow God. These are 3 lessons I have gained as I have watched them live together for 50 years (well, I haven't seen ALL 50, but close!). None of this could ever happen of course, were it not for grace. So though, I celebrate this milestone in my parent's lives, I also celebrate God's grace in them.