A new year usually brings new goals, or resolutions, but my guess is that they are actually the same old ones wrapped with new intentions and new hopes for success. Perhaps the goals have new methodology behind them or are empowered with the new technology but they are just the same old dreams of last year.
This month I want to encourage us to think about the new. God exhorts us to put off the "old" and put on the "new". What is it in your life that is "old"--worry, anger, gossip, shame, doubt, fear...? How about starting this year by putting it off, throwing it aside and giving it to God (who, may I remind you, knows all about it and is in complete control).How about living today trusting that God is who He says He is and that He loves you as much as He says He does? If that one statement really were true, how would your life be different?
This year I want to live more of my life, to actually participate in each moment and not waste it on the "old". I want to have more "new" in me and flowing from me to those in my sphere of influence. I want to allow God to do something "new" in me, for me and through me!
How about you? Isn't it time for something new?!