The walk was a great opportunity to review the past two weekends. God has been good indeed (as always!) as I looked into the Word together with the women of Hope Grace Brethren church last weekend, and then with Faith Baptist this past weekend. We studied God’s calling out to us to “come as you are” and our reluctance at times last weekend. Then, our study this weekend focused on our interactions with one another and “walkin’ with my sista’!”
One of the best things about traveling and speaking, to me, is watching God do His work. Communicating that which is living, pertinent and powerful, and then watching as God’s Spirit does His work is just incredible…no…more like awesome. (Those who know me know I don’t use that word for anything except God, and it definitely fits here!) To be sure, there is nothing better to me than teaching the Word.
The busy schedule will slow a bit now and the emphasis will shift now to more class work preparations, teaching online and of course our Wellspring Sunday school class prep. Along with that, November brings my favorite holiday…Thanksgiving! It is still a few weeks, but these past months have flown by and the holidays will be here much quicker than anticipated.
As you finish the last couple months of the year, be sure to take a walk now and then just to review what God has done in your life…and don’t forget to say “thank you” J