“Hold on, here we go.” I can remember hearing my dad say that to me as the ride at the amusement park began to move forward. It was a signal, a reminder of sorts, that I needed to keep a firm grip on what was stable because my “world” was about to become very un-stable.
Have you ever felt that way in life? All seems to be going pretty well, maybe not great but still manageable, and then you can almost feel your world begin to shake and stir a bit. It’s at this point we should remind ourselves to “hold on”. And this past Sunday was just that kind of reminder for me.
The LYFE Women’s Conference had just finished its second weekend. Just like the first, it was a great time of encouragement, and nourishment as we watched God’s Spirit do His work in and through us. It was my privilege to share the Word in two sessions entitled, “Getting a Grip on Reality”. In those sessions we were reminded of some basic realities as well as basic worldview concepts that will help us live in the midst of our reality without losing our grip on truth. Sunday morning in our Wellspring bible study we looked at Psalm 57 and God continued to impress the importance of His truth’s dominance in my life. What a great reminder…what a necessary reminder for the week ahead.
David is in the midst of some “this-doesn’t-make-any-sense” circumstances. The will-be king is hiding in a cave to avoid being killed by the present king, Saul. In Psalm 57 he mentions two things about God twice—His steadfast love, and truth or faithfulness. God’s loyal, stable, steadfast love is a sure thing in the midst of unbelievable, disappointing, discouraging, or just plain weird circumstances (it is there during the good times too!). Knowing this is true allows David to respond with a steadfast heart. Along with this passage, one of the ladies mentioned the example of Jesus as explained by Peter (1 Peter 2:21-24) as He faced His accusers. Jesus left us an example to follow, and oh how I need to follow in those steps. If the One who never did anything to deserve even “a look” from those who accused Him can respond with no sin, no deceitful talk, no reviling, and no threats and can entrust Himself to “God who judges justly,” I too should follow His example and allow the God who’s always got my back, to care for me.
Today let’s truly live as though God has it all under control, no matter what our circumstances. Let’s live in light of His steadfast love and faithfulness by responding with a steadfast heart and intentionally praising God…maybe even out loud!
Hold on…here we go!