It’s the Sunday after the first weekend of LYFE Conference and my body is definitely feeling it, but my mind and heart are full! I’ve met new friends, as well as reconnected with old ones. I’ve had opportunities to teach the Word, to be encouraged by it, and most of all to stand back and watch God’s careful and purposeful knitting of all the details, topics, and events of the weekend together for His purposes and His glory.
This morning in our bible study we studied Psalm 8, and David’s praise to Yahweh—so appropriate for this weekend. Looking back I cannot help but recognize God’s work and to give praise and thanksgiving to our good God. Perhaps I’ll write my own song of praise tonight.
We talked about “getting a grip on reality” in the two main sessions; that means my “reality” will give plenty of opportunity to prove the truth of the Word these next couple weeks. I don’t know if life’s circumstances really do change, or if I am just more aware of what has just been studied…maybe a little bit of both. So these next few weeks, I’ll be trying to be especially aware that God is, that’s He’s got my back and that Jesus IS coming. With those truths in mind, my desire is to live life with an “above the sun” perspective even though it is hard, not fair, and totally out of my control.
How about joining me in this walk in “real life” this week? Walk with the belief that God is who He says and will do what He says He will do, no matter how you feel, knowing God promises to work it all for your good and His glory. Let’s not allow real life get the best of us. Live real this week…because our God is!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Its Official!
The school year has finished, and the grading is done. As I hit the submit button for the last class’ grades I may have even let out an audible sigh! This semester has certainly gone by fast but the speed with which it passed certainly did not lessen the amount of work it contained.

This year has added reason for celebration because it brought the completion of the MA degree I have been working toward. This past Friday, May 7, 2010 I heard my name called and walked across the platform to receive a degree from our President. My heart pounded as I sat waiting. Prior to the ceremony, as the faculty prepared to march (as we always do at commencement), there was an added excitement for me. During commencement I thought about all that God had done in these past few years to bring me to this point, but more importantly, all that He had done IN me. I am tremendously blessed and so grateful. Getting a Master's degree was certainly special the first time several years ago, but this time I seemed to have a greater understanding of God's leading and working in the process. This time I could not help but respond with thanks to Him as I received the degree. He is indeed good and His grace is sufficient.
I am especially grateful tonight because a few friends met me for dinner to celebrate. Unbeknownst to me they had planned to meet at a favorite restaurant where we enjoyed good food, and most of all just good company and interaction. Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of deeper level conversation to your soul? There is something to be said for communication that is genuine, heart-felt, and God-centered. Our spirits crave to connect with God and good conversation is one way for “real fellowship” to happen.
I encourage you to connect with those you know on a deeper level. Take the opportunity to talk about what is most important in your life. If that is God, His son Jesus Christ and the Gospel, I promise you there will be a renewed awakening in your heart as well as those with whom you talk. Be real as you converse, and help those around you see the reality of the Gospel!

I am especially grateful tonight because a few friends met me for dinner to celebrate. Unbeknownst to me they had planned to meet at a favorite restaurant where we enjoyed good food, and most of all just good company and interaction. Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of deeper level conversation to your soul? There is something to be said for communication that is genuine, heart-felt, and God-centered. Our spirits crave to connect with God and good conversation is one way for “real fellowship” to happen.
I encourage you to connect with those you know on a deeper level. Take the opportunity to talk about what is most important in your life. If that is God, His son Jesus Christ and the Gospel, I promise you there will be a renewed awakening in your heart as well as those with whom you talk. Be real as you converse, and help those around you see the reality of the Gospel!
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